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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Since 2022, Ascendum Group has proudly been the Hosting Dealer for the Montalegre stopover and the Gold Sponsor of the CE Dealer Team, further strengthening its strategic alliance with Volvo CE. This partnership underscores Ascendum's commitment to “Driving a Responsible Shift” within its sector with smarter and more sustainable solutions.

Building on the success of previous years, this year’s event will unite key stakeholders from 7 of Ascendum’s 14 markets. This strategic multi-market approach aims to strengthen the e-mobility journey across these markets and enhance Ascendum’s brand awareness by deepening customer relationships through a compelling and engaging experience.

A unique experience

This year's championship is more than just a race; it showcases a “Battle of Technologies” where all-electric cars will compete head-to-head with sustainably fuelled combustion-engined cars, elevating the sport to new heights of excitement and competition while still focused on sustainability. The CE Dealer Team (by Volvo CE), sponsored by Ascendum, will feature its all-electric lineup with the already confirmed drivers Klara Andersson and Niclas Grönholm, who are set to electrify the track with their performances.

The championship started in Sweden (Höljes) on July 7th and 8th weekend with a historic double FIA World RX podium, securing the team second place overall in the standings.


The upcoming races will be in Hungary on July 27th – 28th, followed by Belgium on August 17th – 18th, and then in Montalegre, Portugal on September 7th. The championship season finale will be in China on October 19th – 20th.

At Montalegre, Ascendum customers and teams will explore sustainable solutions through electric machine exposure and exclusive behind-the-scenes access to the CE Dealer Team’s paddock. Additionally, seminars led by the Volvo CE team will tackle the challenges and opportunities of transitioning to sustainable practices, promoting the adoption of e-mobility while ensuring high productivity.

A Strategic Sponsorship for “Driving a Responsible Shift”

This sponsorship highlights Ascendum's commitment to pioneering the industry’s shift towards more sustainable operations. "Driving" not only mirrors the active role of Gold Sponsors of CE Dealer Team in the competitive world of rallycross but also symbolizes Ascendum’s position as one of the biggest dealers. "Responsible" highlights how we work, emphasizing the thoughtful and strategic decision-making that benefits our business, our customers, and the environment. Lastly, "Shift" reflects our active role, partnering up with Volvo CE as catalysts for change. It is a proactive commitment to pioneer the shift towards more sustainable operations within our industry.

Ascendum started this journey three years ago by believing that this sponsorship represented the perfect blend of entertainment (competition), education, and information, actively contributing to accelerate individual and collective action towards greater sustainability. It is an opportunity not only to activate customers but also to activate other economic, decision-making, and sectorial agents, raising their awareness of a reality that is needed in the near future.

Start your engines and follow us along the track!

More details about the FIA 2024 World RX are available at:

https://www.fiaworldrallycross.com/world-rx/ and https://www.cedealerteam.com/